click here for our sister gallery: the Humboldt Squatter Evac Network (!)
Mad River beach | Arcata Plaza w/ McKinley statue | Samoa pulpmill from the Eureka marina |
Mt Shasta from downtown Redding Christmas day 2009 | Trinidad shoreline looking north | Trinidad shoreline looking south |
123 F street Eureka | 6.5 mag quake an hour after talking to Jenna | mothballed locomotives at the Eureka Balloon Yard |
Arcata from the bottoms (far) | Arcata from the bottoms (medium) | Arcata from the bottoms (close; Founders Hall visible in upper centre) |
view from apartment window of HSU campus across US101 | my room | Jennas room |
HSU pedbridges from apartment parkinglot | the workstation | Arcata bay from Founders hall |
the Mystique at the end of the rainbow | yes that chair is lying on its back | Arcata from the Eureka slough |
McKinley asking Jenna for spare change at Jacobys | Jenna on the Plaza | Jennas final 10th st squat |
Jennas room 2nd version | fridge door & bathroom | my room rocks, its true |
my first Coastal Giant Salamander; they can live 25 years | the view from my spot on a beautiful afternoon | full garbage bag (far right) closeby ready to go to campus |
the Mystique at the RSL | nobody here but me this morning | my faithful friend |
2010 04/20 pm04:20 Arcata Redwood park | it rained all day | a thousand potheads in the woods |
three months later the foresters are here | wed rather grind the canopy into toilet paper & paneling | welcome to Arcata. |
its still so beautiful just a half mile away | back at the rental its a straightup turfwar | theyre just evil |
the zombie comes out at am1000; what will he steal today? | I wouldnt suggest there might be better use of the space adjacent to my unit than the 24 inch circular saw which has been there for seven months | they dont have to give me the respect I give them; its OK |
last update: 2010jul16 |